VRX 9000: Sex Games / Attack her anyways (1)

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VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult

Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult


You frown slightly at the hostage situation, it obviously isn't a good one and this apprentice is holding it over your head very threateningly. If you attack this woman she could likely kill the women in the next room. However, she could kill the women in the next room even if you surrendered to her. You won't be taken so easily. Hostages or no, you are not going to let anything get in your way. You are a fighter and she should of expected you to charge in regardless of risk. Bringing up your sword you lock eyes with Zuna then charge the women who seems instantly startled.

The woman is very surprised that her threat didn't work but quickly raises her hand which instantly glows an eerie green color. The next second you hear two horrible screams from the next room, screams of intense agony and pain. You ignore it, swinging out with your sword to end this fight as quickly as possible. Zuna is quick however, dodging back barely avoiding it as it slashes her clothes at the front revealing her undergarments. But in close quarters you are dangerous, too close for the woman to pull out her whip. The fight is yours. The next second your hilt comes back up slamming her in the side of the head sending her crashing against the side of her bed before crashing to the ground.

You pounce on her sheathing your sword and drawing your dagger, but the woman hardly puts up a fight barely remaining conscious after the blow to the head. You quickly disarm her with two quick slices of your dagger then take some rope you find in a coil under the bed and quickly bind her hands tightly before gagging her with some of the clothing you had swiped off her outfit. Leaning back up you look down at her, dazed with her mid section bare with arms struggling weakly behind her with muffled gasps coming from underneath her gag. After spitting in her face once in disgust you then stand back up. Walking over to the wooden door then you nudge the door open and spot the two girls now unconscious hanging by ropes from the right wall. From this distance you can still see that they are breathing. So, she hadn't managed to kill them after all.

It is at this time you step in cautiously and take a good look around this second room. It seems to be some sort of storage room filled with dozens of barrels and crates all the way to the ceiling in places. More importantly however you can see what are in some of these containers as several nearest to you have been pried open. To your disgust they seem to contain just about every type of bondage device possible along with just about every kind of sex toy possible. This Zuna is apparently very creative with her lusts for sex and torture.

Seeing no reason for alarm you let your guard down and walk over to the two girls hanging limp from the ropes. Both of their wrists and ankles are tied to the ceiling and floor with ball gags placed in their mouths with ripped clothing obviously from Zuna's whip being the only thing covering their bodies along with many whip marks. The one on the right is a busty red head with large curves and had obviously cried during the pain, her cheeks covered in tears. The one two the left is a petite brunette with a slim figure but with a tight body who has extra red marks around her wrists and ankles, she must have put up more of a struggle.

Moving forward you cut the two girls down and after putting them over your shoulder move them into the next room still tied wrist and ankle and lay them onto the bed. You spot Zuna watching you as you do it with wary eyes struggling uselessly on the ground. She seems to have made it a few feet while you've moved the two slave girls but you easily retrieve her when you are done and toss her on the bed next to the two unconscious slave girls. Zuna manages to catch you with a quick kick though making you grunt. You quickly bind her ankles together after that pinning her down with a knee to the stomach.

Standing back up you look over the three girls and around the room. You walk around scrounging through a few things here and there but overall you don't really find much of use. It is mostly the apprentice's personal belongings and a bunch of papers and maps you don't bother to read or look over. Which brings you back to the three woman.


What do you do?


Current Status: 95% - Normal

Current Items: Sword, Dagger, Armor

Current Alignment: (8/20) - Neutral

Main Quest: Find the Heirloom

Side Quests: Save Zuna's slave girls.


Surge of Strength: x3

Intimidation: x1

Heart of Steel: x2

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