He ties you to a tree and leaves you.

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He must have done something to knock you out, because the next thing you know, you are sitting against the rough bark of a tree. Your arms are behind the tree, bound tightly at wrist and elbow. Your ankles are bound. You are still gagged. And, you think, the creep destroyed your clothes while you watched.

You look around. The sun is getting lower in the sky, and there are clouds starting to form. You shiver, even though it is still extremely hot. The bark of the tree is rubbing against your skin, you are sitting on a rock, your hands are numb, and your face, breasts and belly still hurt.

You start sobbing again.

The creep, you realize, is standing a few feet away, watching you. He grins when he sees you. "Goodbye, darling," he says. "I don't suppose we'll ever see each other again. Not too many people come out to this part of the woods, so I don't imagine anyone will find you before it's too late."

Still sobbing, you try to plead with the creep, but, of course, you still can't pronounce any legible words, which you find very frustrating.

You start struggling with your bonds, looking back behind you as best you can as you do. When you next look around you, the creep is gone. You look around you at the woods. You see no one, of course, and you also see no sign that anyone ever has been out here. You are hoping the man is wrong, and that someone will find you.

You start to cry again. You continue to struggle with your bonds, as that is the only thing you can do.

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