FOTR/ TP50-The Council of Elrond

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Realizing that Aragorn would take the hobbits off of the main road, Gandalf races ahead once again - with a dark rider on his tail. He reaches Weathertop, a ruined tower which he is certain Aragorn would use as shelter when passing through the area. After leaving a sign that only Aragorn would recognize, Gandalf is attacked by four dark riders. He manages to escape, leading them away towards Rivendell. The black horse are no match for Shadowfax, and are soon left behind.

When Gandalf reaches Rivendell, he immediately updates Elrond and Glorfindel. The elven lord races back into the wilderness to try and assist Aragorn, giving Elrond and Gandalf more time to discuss recent events. They agree that the ring must be destroyed - and that a small, stealthy force would be best equipped to accomplish that. What they disagree on is the makeup of the force - Elrond trusts only elves and Aragorn with the task, while Gandalf prefers a more diverse fellowship.

A few days later, Glorfinel returns with an injured and unconscious Frodo - and Gandalf assists Elrond cast a spell that wipes out all nine Ringwraiths. When Frodo has mostly recovered from his wound, the council of Elrond is convened.

The council must make an important decision. The dwarves, elves, and men in attendance seem unable to agree - all want to take a different course of action. No one seems willing to make the most difficult choice - carrying the Ring to Mordor, and destroying it. That plan would rely on Frodo, who by this time had proven that he can carry the ring great distances without ill effect. But Frodo had just been injured, and was barely recovered - with that kind of wound, which would permanently impair even a strong man, how could he possible survive such a journey? As Gandalf is pondering these options, he glances down at Frodo. The young hobbit, who has already been through so much, is about to speak up - and Gandalf knows what he is going to say. He has only a moment to interrupt Frodo, saving him from volunteering to join a hopeless quest. And if he does volunteer, which group should provide the necessary protection?


You are still on Tolkien's path. What should Gandalf do?

  • Gandalf does not trust Boromir, and instead insists upon an all-elf fellowship led by Glorfindel. He and the Dwarves will travel south to Isengard, launching a sneak attack on Sauruman and his Uruk-hai army.
  • Gandalf does not think Frodo is ready to carry the ring further, regardless of the company that protects him. He interrupts Frodo, stating that the Ring must remain hidden in Rivendell a while longer.

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