The Grand Arena / Cast Spell-casting:(MM) at her (3)

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The Grand Arena

Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult


You decide you are not about to be taken quite so easily. You unsummoned your beast and you laid down your staff but you are still very dangerous. And they were kind enough to open the gate for you. There is no way you are not going to take advantage of that. It takes you a moment longer than it would of normally as your hands are busy trying to pry the magical ring from around your neck but you manage to concentrate after a few moments and lock the approaching woman into your sights. Perfect, she just moved between the guard and you shielding you from a possible crossbow bolt as you act.


Activate Spell Casting: Magic Missile


Fight Start


Acting quickly you drop a hand and point it at her summoning up your magical energy. Your hand immediately begins to glow white and you raise it to fling your magic missile almost point blank into her. For some reason she doesn't seem to be expecting you to just simply fling magic at her and she get hit full on getting blown back hard. You quickly duck to the side as the guard quickly steps forward and fires his crossbow at you barely missing as the bolt flies right by your head.

The guard then tries to slam the door in your face before you can approach but you raise your other hand and another magic missile pummels into the door slamming is back open with brilliant arcane energy sending the guard reeling this time. You quickly move through the gate door to the other side before they can try and close it again to see the woman Zuna getting back to her feet reaching for her whip. You send another blast her way but she is ready this time and manages to spring out of the way and lash out at you with her whip catching you around the ankle before pulling your leg out from under you. It slams you to the ground and knocks the breath out of you for a brief moment.

The guard finally manages to regain his composure and tries to jump on you but you manage to grab the nearest thing and extend it forward just in time. It turns out to be his dagger which must have blown off of him when you struck him with the magic missile. With the force of the guard coming down on you it is enough to get the dagger through his armor killing him instantly. But then his body still hits you hard landing on top of you. Before you know it you feel the magic ring cutting off your air again as you struggle to get the dead weight of the guard off of you.

The Zuna woman is approaching again and has her hand outstretched. You can hardly breath with the ring and the weight and after a few brief moments of despair summon up all of your energy to magic missile the guard point blank and immediately go unconscious from the instant force of the blow being so close.


Fight Ends.


After who knows how much time you finally open your eyes. Dizzy, you sit up and look around. To your surprise you realize you must have only been out for less than a minute. You see the smoking guard quite a ways into the caves along with the woman Zuna. She seemed to have been hit by the flying guard and hit her head hard when she fell against the ground knocking her out as well. You hazily look around for some kind of weapon and hear a few shouts in the distant. You curse slightly knowing that it is probably more guards and slowly manage to stand. For the first time you manage to take a good look of what is inside the gate.

Around you are a bunch of crates and boxes and a raggedy looking bed. Past that and the gate the cave continues to slope down and eventually turns off to the right disappearing out of view. Besides that there is a strange metal door directly ahead on the left side of the cave just before the cave turns off to the right. Your vision comes back to normal right as two shapes come running from up the tunnel and you frown seeing two men with spears heading your way. Not about to go down easily you summon up a magic missile in both hands and get ready to fight.

The guards approach and stop seeing the dangerous magic you wield in both hands and look around nervously. They see the dead guard along with the unconscious Zuna. You decide to add a little intimidation. "This is what happens to my enemies. Let me by or I'll do the same to you." The guards look nervous and look over Zuna once again. She is obviously someone they were afraid of you quickly realize and the fact that you were lucky enough to beat her has really put them in a quandary. Then you spot one of them checking out her cleavage for just a moment and an idea pops into your head and you give a small smile.

"Look, I have defeated your mistress. I can destroy the two of you as well. However, I am in need of information from her and I could use you two. Bind her and bring me to a private place with her and I'll let the two of you help me interrogate her." The guards are confused at first, looking like they are ready to run more than anything. But slowly the idea of what you are suggesting starts to get into their heads and one grins slightly, still wary. They slowly nod and one gathers some rope next to the crates and ties up Zuna. He then tosses her over his shoulder while the other one throws the dead guard out the door and closes it to look like nothing is amiss. Apparently lust has surpassed their need to do their job.

The guards then tell you to follow them and slowly lead you down the tunnel. Before long you find that on either side of the tunnel are guard hovels covered in red curtains with tons of sleeping guards. You can't even believe your bad luck, or good luck that you managed to get two guards to escort you half way through them before pulling a curtain open and kicking two guards out claiming the space for themselves. You can see the end of the guard hovels isn't far off now, and most of the guards in the tunnel have seen you already and while they give you funny looks none had stopped you on your way here. You notice Zuna start to stir then look at the guards. Should you leave them to 'interrogate' Zuna and head on by yourself or join in on the 'interrogation'.


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