Cathy Decides to Make Katie Do Something Really, Really Humiliating

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Condition Embarrassed, Nervous, Horny, But Happy to Be Away from the Men Apparel and Items: Old Used Pink Panties, Blue Bikini Top with Long Strings, Shaved, and Ponytails
Day, Time Saturday, Morning
Need to Use Bathroom Arousal Causing Issues
Level of Humiliation Light-Headed

Cathy and Katie started wandering at that point, and it came to the point where Cathy put into affect another part of her aunt's plan. The older girl led Katie to an empty walkway and stopped her.

"Okay, I need you to understand something before we continue." Cathy told her while Katie looked on "You need to do as I say, because if I tell your aunt that you didn't listen to me, she will post your naked pictures online and send them to your friends."

Katie gulped and stared back at the older girl who really wasn't that much older. Sadly, as much as Katie was playing the ten-year old, she didn't look that young at all, only the ponytails made her look vaguely younger.

"Okay, now that we have that understanding, I am going to need you pull out the back of your panties." Cathy told her.

"Why?" Katie asked, but as she complied.

"Just do it!" Cathy told her as she walked a few feet away.

Katie just stood there, with her large butt exposed as the little pink panties were stretched back by her own hands. She heard footsteps behind and turned to ask Cathy again why she was doing this, but it turned out to be a random guy who stared at her through some thick sunglasses with a stupid grin on his face. Katie was frozen again by excitement and nervousness as she stared back at the guy. A minute later he was out of sight, but Katie remained frozen when suddenly Cathy returned with a surprise. A sudden cold and wet sensation came from her butt as something was poured into her panties.

"What the hell is that!?" Katie asked as she felt it leaking all over her butt.

"It's your 'accident', but if you want to know what it really is, its mud. Now stay still." Cathy told her.

Katie stood still because of the threats of blackmail, but the mud was extremely soupy and was pooling in the seat of her panties. She felt it leak down to her bare womanhood. She felt very dirty with all the mud being continuously poured into her panties. Katie tried airing out her crotch by spreading her legs a bit, but as she looked down to inspect the damage, she was horrified by the sight. Against her pink panties, the brown mud had stained it quite bad. The mush had expanded out her panties a bit, and looking over her shoulder she saw that it really looked like what Cathy had wanted it to. It looked like the 'ten-year old' had a big accident in her panties. A really bad accident, in fact as Cathy finished and looked back at her work, even she grimaced at her masterpiece.

"Damn! You looked like you just went through a whole family's worth of Taco Bell!" Cathy exclaimed.

"Screw you!" Katie yelled back as she angrily glared back at her babysitter.

"Well, its still missing a bit of 'wow' factor, hold on." Cathy told her, approaching and hiding something behind her back.

Katie was a bit confused, but she was frozen as Cathy arrived. Her babysitter suddenly pulled out her panties and poured a bottle of water into her panties.

"Why would you... eeeeeeep!" Katie exclaimed as Cathy gave her a wedgie.

Katie looked down as Cathy backed up, the mud was even more runny now. The wedgie had also squished her panties, making the mud get pushed into her buttcrack and her vagina. Even worse though, brown streaks of water were running down her thighs. It looked like she had opened the floodgates and hadn't even tried stopping it. Katie was not happy with how she looked right now! In her ridiculous 'ten-year old' outfit, complete now with the 'massive accident' bonus package, her aunt and her employees were ready to really dish out the humiliation.

"Good now that you are ready, its time to cause some 'incidents'." Cathy said with an evil grin.

Cathy Makes Katie go to the Pool with Her 'Accident'

Cathy Makes Katie go to a Slide with Her 'Accident'

Jill Has Do Something Special for Katie for Her 'Accident'

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