Go chat with Andrews roommate Charles

From Create Your Own Story

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As you walk upstairs and go through the living room on your way out of Andrew's house, you glance into the kitchen and see Charles fiddling in the fridge. He's shirtless now, wearing only a pair of athletic shorts. Damn - he has an amazing body! He's not overly built, but his muscles are hard and perfectly chiseled. Your footsteps cause him to turn around and look right at you. Busted! It's clear you were checking him out!

He winks at you, a cocky grin forming near that strong jaw. From the front, he's even more impressive. Solid, muscular pecs with a light dusting of black hair and shredded six-pack abs cut from marble. You wonder why this stud is dating that fat bitch?

"Oh hey!" You giggle, trying to stay nonchalant. "Where'd Mandy go?"

"She had class or some shit. Whatever." He rolls his eyes. You both laugh. Charles totally has a "bad boy" thing going for him that you are really digging. He looks like he doesn't give a fuck -- messy hair, a few days' worth of beard stubble -- but there's no doubt he takes care of his bod.

"So, how do you know Andrew?" He asks in an attempt at conversation, clearly wanting you to stick around.

"We've known each other forever... like since we were kids. He's a sweetheart."

"Haha, yeah he's a good guy. Pretty nerdy, though. Always down in the basement smoking weed and playing video games. But he always shares his supply!"

"What about you? How did you and Mandy meet?" You lift your eyebrow, clearly insinuating their odd couple status.

"Well... Sorta the same, we've been dating since high school. Sorry she was sort of a bitch to you before, she can get kinda possessive."

"Hmm... well, I don't blame her," you grin flirtatiously. "With a guy as hot as you, she'd need to worry about some slut stealing you away."

"Yeah?" He mutters, walking toward you, a leer on his face.

Standing in front of you now, Charles looks you up and down like a hungry wolf. There is no doubting his intentions. He leans down and whispers in your ear. His hot breath makes you shiver.

"I wanted to fuck you the second I saw you, baby. And I saw the way you looked at me, too. The truth is that I gave some bullshit excuse to Mandy so she'd leave. Now are we gonna fuck, or what?"


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