Blackmail/Psychiatrist/"N...n...nothing," he stammers

From Create Your Own Story

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"N...n...nothing," he stammers.

You smile as you slowly saunter back to your desk. God first the spankings and now this guy staring at you have you seriously worked up...

You sit back at your desk and lean over to the intercom, giving the man a view down your shirt. "Dr. Milton, your first appointment is here sir."

"Very good, send him in." replies Dr. Milton.

"The Dr. will see you now, sir," you smile at the man.

He nervously crosses the room and enters the door, almost slamming it behind him.

You squirm in your seat... "God that was hot..." you mutter under your breath.


A few minutes later your buzzer sounds, "Tiffany could you please come in here a moment?" Dr. Milton asks.

You press the button and respond, "Of course sir... right away."

You stand up and walk into the room. "Do you need something sir?"

"Yes..." he smiles looking confident, while the client just looks nervous. "I don't know that you and Mr. Johnson have been formally introduced have you?"

"No sir," you respond. "Nice to meet you Mr. Johnson. I'm Tiffany." you say to the client.

The client simply sits there occasionally stealing glances at your tits.

Dr. Milton continues, unperturbed. "Now Mr. Johnson here complains that he can't stop treating woman as objects. What do you think of that Tiffany?"

How do you respond?

Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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