Kate heads back to her room

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:31, 7 February 2014 by Toastee (Talk | contribs)

Back in her room Kate locks the door behind her, the room is spartan, and in significant need of decorating, boxes and suitcases are still piled around the room from moving in. There is a large open-able window with a windowsill large enough to sit on facing out into the courtyard. The afternoon sun streams down across the courtyard, and casts a warm but Receding pool of light on her as yet unmade bed. Kate opens a suitcase, and pulls out some black and white cotton sheets with a abstract pattern on them. Kate has always loved looking at the night sky from her bed, so she pushes the bed up against the wall under the window. Grabbing her phone out of her bag, she looks through her texts and emails. Bored, Kate opens a message from her Ryan (her ex) that she'd been ignoring for a week. It reads "I miss you, I will always remember the weekend we spent together in the beach house." Memories come flooding back to Kate, they must have fucked on every surface in the beach house. The kitchen counter, the pool table, on the dryer in the laundry room. Kate feels a tingle in her loins, and lays down in the sunlight, casting aside her T-shirt.

Mean-while, across the courtyard a bored freshmen boy is sitting by his window staring forlornly out over the courtyard. Movement in one of the windows catches his eyes, and he sees a shapely brunette figure flinging her shirt out of sight. At this distance, he can see she is naked, but not make out her face. He watches raptly as she lays down on her bed by the window bathed in the glow of the afternoon sun.

Kate closes her eyes, and her hand moves down to the top of her mound, her mind wandering to happy events at the beach house.


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