LoL/Put on your black slacks, white shirt, and blue tie

From Create Your Own Story

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You put on your slacks, shirt, and tie, then slip into a pair of stiff black shoes. Luckily, this outfit is just for the ceremony. You get proper equipment once you reach the labyrinth.

You go downstairs and are greeted by your family. You eat a quick breakfast, then you all head for the town square. You hug and kiss them goodbye, leaving them standing among the townsfolk who have come to wish you well. You climb the stairs to the stage where school children put on plays and musicians have their concerts in the park. You listen as the mayor gives a speech praising your bravery and courage, but it's all you can do just to hold still. You can't wait to get to the labyrinth. Finally, he finishes and the crowd applauds and cheers as you wave and head off to meet your destiny.

Outside the labyrinth stands a type of guardhouse, restricting access to the magical maze. You knock and show the guard your ID, letting him see that it's your birthday. He opens the door and you stride in, but stop short at the sight that greets you. It looks like a doctor's office.

"Take off your clothes and have a seat on the end of the table," he says as he locks the door and walks to the sink, washing his hands before pulling on latex gloves. You hesitate and he explains. "I need to give you a quick exam to make sure you're healthy, then I'll give you a few inoculations to protect you from any viruses you might come into contact with, and then you can start your adventure. All right?"

You can't exactly return home in shame already, so you have no choice but to nod and strip off your clothes. He pokes and prods you, looking down your throat and in your ears, feeling your belly and balls before deciding you're healthy enough. Both arms and one hip are aching and sore when he finally finished sticking you with needles, but you suppose you're thankful for the precautions.

"All right, just one more thing," he says, picking up what looks like a squirt gun with a long, thin nozzle. He has you lie back on the table and he reaches between your legs. Before you can react, he pushes the nozzle into your ass and you feel something thick and cold fill your passage.

"What the hell was that?" you ask as you sit up, trying to decide whether or not to punch him.

"Lube," he says. "Just in case. It's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and get fucked without it. All right, here is your supply pack--some basic first aid for scrapes and blisters, water, and food. The labyrinth is just through there." He gestures toward the door in the far wall, then begins cleaning up, including gathering up your clothes and placing them in a bag.

"What am I supposed to wear?" you ask.

"Just go through the door," he says. "All your questions will be answered there."

You sigh and march to the door, pull it open, and step through. It slams closed behind you before you realize that there's no one on the other side to answer your questions. You are facing the entrance to the labyrinth, naked and unarmed, with just a small survival pack slung over your shoulder. You turn and push on the door, but it has locked, and the guard doesn't answer when you bang your fist against the wood.

Labyrinth of Lust
Health Perfect Treasure:


Gender Male
Location Labyrinth Entrance
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