Control yourself and convince her that it's the only way she'll live

From Create Your Own Story

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Your body trembles as the girls scent fills your nose, making your cock as hard as a rock. You want her more than anything you've ever wanted before, and you know the pain in your loins isn't going to go away until you fuck her. But, despite this, you refuse to rape her. As much as you want to, you somehow hold yourself back.

Seeing you tremble, the pained expression on your face, and making no motion toward her, the elf calms down a little, and timidly asks, "A-are you... okay?"

"I'm in a great deal of pain right now." you respond.

The elf sits down, near the cell's bars, as far from you as she can. "Why? Did they torture you?" she asks.

You smile and shake your head. "No. Not directly anyway. You see, my body punishes me for not mating, and it will take my life soon."

The elf pauses. She clearly has a good heart, she can't stand to see someone in pain, no matter who or what they are.

"My father is in a lot of pain, too." she says. "But his pain is unnatural, and there doesn't seem to be a cure. I wish I could save him."

"I'm sorry." you say, feeling genuinely concerned for her.

The elf laughs at your comment. "Sorry..." she says, "I just never thought I would meet an orc who actually seemed concerned for an elf."

"Why not? My mother's an elf, and I love her dearly."

The girl looks stunned by this. "Your mother's an elf?"

With a smile, you nod. "Yes, and not just any elf, she's your chief's daughter."

The girl gasps, and obviously doesn't believe it at first. "You... you're the king's grandson? Is that why they didn't kill you?"

"I suppose. But if I don't copulate soon, I will be dead, and judging by how much they want you dead, it seems like the only way for both of us to survive is to mate."

The girl presses her knees to her chest, and holds them tightly. Clearly, she doesn't want to mate with you, but she doesn't want to die either.

Health Horny, desperately needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 20
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