Fall back to the ground and wait for whatever fate they have for you

From Create Your Own Story

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You lean up against the wall of your cell and slide down until you're sitting. You can't believe they're going to kill that elf girl you met, all because you kissed her. As nice as your Mom is, it's difficult seeing your granddad being so cruel.

As the hours pass, the pain in your balls increases several times. You try masturbating, thinking about that dark elf's lips around your cock, and it helps but only for a little bit. Soon, even that doesn't help. The walls of your cell are covered in your cum, and you've nearly passed out from the pain.

But then you hear two people walk in, one in armor, the other barefoot. Your eyes widen to see the elf girl, wearing nothing but skimpy black lingerie, being led to your cell by a guard. He shoves her in the cell with you, before locking it behind her.

She instantly spins around and begs for the guard to be placed anywhere else. But the guard simply ignores her, and says to you, "A gift from his Majesty, orc. Her life now belongs to you. His Majesty will require something in return, but until the morning, you are free to enjoy her as much as you want."

With that the guard leaves. Your heart pounds hard. Being so close to this elf, and having her all to yourself, it's like a dream. Your natural need to copulate is overwhelming, making you drool and hardening your cock. The girl shrieks in terror and screams for someone to help her. But the only one listening is you, and all you can think about is shoving your cock inside her tight virgin pussy.

Health Horny, barely in control, needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 30
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