AIF goto sleep

From Create Your Own Story

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If she doesn't want to talk so be it. You told her you're going to bed and wished her good night. You fell asleep pretty quickly.

Next day when you woke up you noticed it's almost 11:00. You really need to start getting up earlier. You did your morning routine, took the keys and went to the bus stop. When you reached your bus stop you had to walk a few streets. Finally you saw the residential block where your aunt lived. Her flat was on a first floor. You get to her door and knocked. No one answered so you opened the door with your key. It was dark inside. All the curtains were closed. Without a word you went to the kitchen - empty. You started getting nervous. You went to check the bedroom. You saw someone on the bed - it was Stacy. She was completely naked and tied to the bed, she was also blindfolded and gagged. You heard the door open.

Fuck the door, your dream is kinda coming true!

Go quietly and check the door

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