Wait just around the corner and hope you can ambush the terrorist

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:50, 24 July 2013 by Calvin Coolidge (Talk | contribs)
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You wait just around the corner. Sure enough, the terrorist comes charging around the corner a few seconds later. Fully prepared, you greet him with a solid punch to his left eye that turns it black. Stunned, he drops his assault rifle. You catch it in midair, smash the rifle butt into his face, then beat him to death with it.

The other three terrorists enter the house. They don't know exactly where you are, but you know exactly where they are. You shoot them dead one by one.

You let out a sigh of relief. Now you have time to further inspect your wound and make sure it didn't hit anything vital.

Well, the good news is that it didn't hit anything vital - on your body. The bad news is that the bullet struck the data drive hidden in your boot.


You make your way to safety in Lebanon, and eventually to the United States. Your superiors are happy to see you back alive, but disappointed at your failure on the mission. A few weeks later, you are informed that you have been reassigned to desk duty.

As you organize a stack of files, you sigh and think of the glamorous life you used to have.


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