D&D: Female Human Ranger

From Create Your Own Story

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Sharp-tongued, perceptive, and remarkably agile despite your healthy curves, you are a skilled tracker and a force to be reckoned with with a rapier in each hand, and a fair marksman on top of it all. You aren't afraid to get dirty when required, and have more than once caused some shock upon your return to the city, covered in various kinds of dirt and filth, but always coming back with your goal achieved. Still, you are not without a sense of personal worth, and when you are in town, you do your best to maintain your appearance.

You live in a modest house along the city wall. The walls are mostly barren, save for an old tapestry that belonged to some ancestor of yours and a handful of more exceptional trophies from your adventures, mostly stuffed animal heads, with a single weapon mounted over the otherwise unimpressive fireplace. A slim-bladed cutlass given to you by a sea captain three years back. The elderly captain was mugged, and you bore witness. You acted quickly, tripping the bandit and holding him down until the captain could reclaim his property. What you didn't realize was the stolen object was an incredibly rare jewel belonging to the captain's family. He was intensely grateful, giving you the sword, a small but fine boat, and a young stallion he had no use for in his old age.

Though the sword was the most valuable between the three in terms of money, the horse, whom you named Gendor, was far more important to you. As you bonded with him, your bond with nature grew as well, to the point you could communicate wordlessly with each other while close by.

You wake up, bathe, and shave your pits, legs, and the unseemly tangle between your legs in the "elven style". You dust off a mirror and admire yourself for a moment, top to bottom - vain, perhaps, but you like to feel feminine every once in a while - then throw on clothes layered under a light chainmail shirt, and add a studded leather tunic atop it all. You eat a quick bite and glance at the front door. You had no special plans today. The city was always offering gold for Kobold heads - damned things were always raiding trade caravans just outside the city guard's reach, and besides, Gendor could use a good ride. You might also check one of the bulletin boards where the city posts its bounties. Or perhaps you'd rather head to a tavern early, gamble a bit, and see what luck throws at you.

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