Witch's Power/lick the cum off the blonde

From Create Your Own Story

< Witch's Power
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You realize that this situation will probably get the poor driver killed, and can't have that on your conscience, so you move quickly to help the man out. "Get your cock back in your pants! Quickly! ", you whisper harshly at him. While he scrambles with his belt, you push the blonde back against the seat. You trace your tongue along her body, licking the cum off of her delicious breasts and working your way up. You can hear boots stomping in your direction as lick up her neck, finally slurping the last bits of cum from her chin. You give her one last look to be sure you got all the cum before you whisper to the driver, " pull me out of the carriage." He stands there looking dumbfounded. " now you idiot! "

Finally, realization of your plan dawns in him. He leans in close and whispers, "You just saved my life." Then his hand grabs your hair and forcefully drags you out by it. You are nearly blinded by the sharp pain as he pulls, tears welling in your eyes. He didn't have to be so rough...but then again he probably wants to make sure he sells it, it is his life on the line. You are thrown down, to your hands and knees. When you look up, the count is smirking down at you. He rubs a hand along his goatee thoughtfully.

" I send my best soldiers off to find you, and you escape them all, only to have my driver capture you as you sneak into my carriage, no doubt planing to kill me when I returned... Is that right?" He looks over at his driver.

"Thas right sir. Heard the lady moan...er scream and jumped down to save her, I did. Witch had her...entranced...with a spell er somethin'. Sos I grabbed er off and then you, sir, and your soldiers, sir, came up. " The count looks over at the blonde. She is still out of breath but manages to nod in agreement to the drivers story.

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