First door to the right

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:57, 6 January 2013 by ReelerFilm (Talk | contribs)
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You open the door and walk into what appears to be a study or at the very least was a study. Now is just a lone desk and a bunch of empty shelves. The desk was made from fine oak and a number of draws but after going through them you find nothing but dirt and spider or two. On top of the work space however you spot a pile of papers but after taking a closer look you realize they are a bunch of child's drawings. The images in each these pictures were both bizzare and frighting one of them being a small girl surrounded by demonic figures.

"The hell are these?" a bewildered Blake asks you but you shake your head. You are just a shocked as he is.

"This is creeping me out can we leave?" Jessica asks.

"You kidding me? We just got here! Come on we going let a few drawings spook us?" You say putting the drawings back on the table as you and your friends leave the room.

"Ok so we got three other doors to choose from. Which do you think we should choose?" Blake asks.

1) The first door to the left

2) The second door to the left

3)The second door to the right

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