Wdyw/Alien game

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:26, 24 December 2012 by Robandkil (Talk | contribs)
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Who doesn't love a good alien game? You give your vote to an alien invasion type of game and Eric stares at you for a second before moving on. Apparently he doesn't like alien games. Out of 50 employees, you were the only one to vote for this type of game. You get alienated (haha) from the group and become an outcast. Nobody wants to eat lunch with you or talk to you around the water cooler. It is like you have the plague. You can't handle it anymore and quit after two months of this cold shoulder treatment.

You join another gaming company that is coincidentally working on an alien game. You are privileged enough to work on it and realize why your old company didn't want to do it. The game gets released and two people in the whole world buy it. Your new company goes bankrupt and you are out of job again. Does nobody like alien games? What is wrong with this world? You are forced to become a waiter since nobody will hire you after looking at your depressing resume. You earn great tips with your witty puns and jokes, and end up enjoying your new line of work more than gaming. Funny how that works isn't it. You pay off your loans and one day meet a cool customer named Nancy. She gives you her number. Fast forward one year and you are married and expecting a child with (PLOT TWIST) her twin sister named Yancy. Nancy turned out to be a really annoying douchebag, but Yancy was totes chill. Hopefully, she doesn't want to name your expected daughter Yancy Jr.

You know she does but you want to name her Roberta. Do you make her happy or push for your own wants?

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