Hand the cleaver to Jane, tell them to take cover, and fight the zombie hand-to-hand

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:15, 3 December 2012 by Vincentk18 (Talk | contribs)
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"Take this, use it if you have to!" you say to a confused Jane while handing her your large metal cleaver.

You and your group walk backward, sizing up the zombie, at a comparable pace.

It sure is ugly. Typical zombie, arms in front and hands clawing at you. Bloodshot eyes filled with hunger. Snarling inhuman growl.

It was male, and young. Maybe 16 years old. It was short, chubby, and covered in blood.

You knew what you needed to do.

"Yeeaaagh!" is the sound that you make involuntarily as you rush towards it.

You bend your knees slightly and thrust upwards into the air, and dropkick the zombie in the damn face, and fall onto your butt bracing the fall with both hands.

You heard the loud "thwack!" as the zombies skull smacked the ground. It's groaning much more quietly now, and a small amount of blood is trickling down the crack in the sidewalk that his head lay on.

Hugo immediately rushes over and finishes it off with 5 or 6 HARD smacks with the saute-pan.

"Ugh. Brains all over the fuckin' place. This shit is gonna give me PTSD later down the road for sure... shit!" Hugo exclaims, half serious and half joking.

"Let's get the hell outta here. How much further to your place?" Jane asks, with that same tinge of fear in her voice and eyes.

"Yeah man, let's dip out of here before someone thinks we just murdered an innocent kid. We need to figure out what the hell's goin' on," Hugo adds sternly.

You agree.

So, you

Examine the zombie quickly before continuing onward

or you

continue onward

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