Suggest you visit Emily's house

From Create Your Own Story

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"Why don't you invite me back to your house?" you suggest.

Emily smiles. "I like that idea."

You hold Emily's hand as you both chatter pleasantly en route. When you arrive, you're greeted by the smiling face of Emily's mom. "I knew you two would end up together," she grins. "Come on in. I'll make some sandwiches and milk."

10 minutes later, you've finished a sandwich and downed a glass of milk, as has Emily. She takes your hand and leads you to the living room. You rest her head on your chest and hold her . "Mmmmmm," Emily murmurs. "I like the way you're not trying to rush things. I like you too, and the best way to let things flower is to let them happen naturally."

You continue to hold her, and Emily presses her body closer to yours. Eventually, she tilts her head up and you two share a soft, tender kiss.

"You two remind me of when your father and I were initially dating," Emily's mom says affectionately to her daughter, in a reminiscing tone. "One of the things we liked to do, in addition to cuddling, was dance. Should I put on my favorite Neil Sedaka album?" She gestures to a stack of actual records and, wonder of wonders, an honest-to-goodness record player.

Emily looks at you. "Your call."

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