Push the guard back towards the canopy. You need to get to Elena.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 13:49, 4 November 2012 by ClosetGeek (Talk | contribs)

You cradle the dead guard as utter chaos erupts around you. Other guards rush forward from the raised canopy - literally leaping over you to get to the field. Prince Nhero is face down in the mud, writhing in his armor. From the bubbles erupting in the soupy earth, he was screaming in pain. Nhero's horse was several paces behind him. The animal had somersaulted forward when the Red Lance splintered his weapon into the horses neck. It now was in full death throws, kicking wildly and wriggling on its back. There are few worse sounds than a horse trying to neigh through a hole in it's neck.

Crossbow bolts fly in from the peasant's stands. They hit guards and peasants alike.

You grab one of the few guards left protecting the Duchess by his billowing blue cape. You wrench it down, the man looses his footing, and comes toppling over the edge of the platform. He lands on his head, and the rest of the guard's body follows. His back bends an 'interesting' way. You hear the distinct sound of his vertebrae shattering. You grab the edge of the raised platform and hoist yourself up.

The guards here have already been slain by crossbow bolts. Two of the handmaidens were unfortunate casualties. One was lucky enough to receive a bolt through her heart, and laid dead as a doornail on the floor. The other was being protected by the Duchess and her other handmaidens. They clucked like frightened hens, but Elena held fast. Her large, green eyes gazed up at you. Her plump, beautiful lips - so red and beautiful only moments before paled before your eyes as fear permeated her body.

The Red Lance circled the length of the tourney list. He had drawn his sword by now, and was hacking a path through the crowd and guards alike. You need to move Elena. Now.

You take Duchess Elena by the wrist and pull her to her feet. She does not resist. The remaining handmaidens clutch onto the Duchess' dress. They cry incoherently. Duchess Elena's sleeve is already tearing at the seams.

The Red Lance is coming. You have no time, and they are obviously not going to listen to reason.

Kill the handmaidens. They won't be bothering you any longer.

Use the dagger you took to shred part of Elena's dress.

Category: The Red Lance

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