Tacos1/Strange Button??

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:50, 29 October 2012 by KubeKidd (Talk | contribs)
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A portal swirls to life in front of you! It immediately pulls you in and spawns you into a black void filled with stars. "Who enters the Watchtower of the Universe?!" A voice booms.

"Um...I'm just a random person."

"Did you press the button?"


"Then there's a lot in store for you." The voice replies. "When you return to the mortal realm tell the Keeper I said 'hi'."

"Okay..." you reply awkwardly.

"Now, BEGONE!!" Your stomach lurches as you are cast out into space. Descending rapidly into the infinite darkness, the stars around you become a blur and your vision becomes white. "Ow," you complain. You wake up lying on the floor tangled in your sheets.


Tacos1/Main Story

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