Blackmail: The Hell with this - go the other way and let him do his worst.

From Create Your Own Story

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Being a young teenage girl is tough!

With a stern look, you shake your head, whirl on your heel, and march away from creepy T. You don't answer his phone calls, give curt, rude replies to his text messages, and when he cruises by as you walk home from school, you give him the old middle finger.

You study double hard and don't sleep well that night, for anticipating the scene tomorrow with Mr. Jones. You study 'til two in the morning, hoping to have knowledge to demonstrate if he puts you to the test, and even when you go to bed you can barely sleep for worrying about it. You can barely stay awake in class - but it seems your fears are groundless. For whatever reason, T has decided not to try revealing your little scheme with him for revenge. And you actually raise your hand for questions for the first time this year. Mr. Jones looks pleased. At the end of the day, you're pretty pleased yourself...perhaps it was all a bluff after all!

That night, after your nap, you check email...and begin to realize things are not all right at all. Your girlfriends send you "OMG!" links to an anonymous video posted on the internet. It's some kind of Japanese cartoon porn...but the voice that's dubbed in is yours, talking dirty to T, begging him to fuck you. Horrified, you learn that knowledge of this video with your unmistakable voice is spreading like wildfire through the class. As the year passes, you take the consequences. Boys from every grade are giving you knowing leers and making passes - you have to be very firm to keep them away - and too often, when you're just in earshot, you can hear the other kids imitating you - "Fuck me, T, fuck me! I want that big fuckin' cock...!"

There is only good side to all this. Your parents are internet illiterates, and unlikely ever to find this video on their own. Unfortunately that does not apply to your little brother Ray. Inside a week, he has the video himself, and he explains things to you in private. If you don't want mom and dad to know all about having copies shot to their work e-mail accounts...then you're going to do what he wants, whenever he wants.

You're under no illusions as to how your parents will react if they listen to your little performance. So for the rest of the year, you've got the reputation of an ulti-slut, you don't even dare go on a normal date because the boys all expect you to put out, and instead you're the love-slave of your pervy fourteen-year-old brother. Boys that age can pump out a lot of cum - and in his case, instead of jerking off day and night like most boys, he pumps it all into you.

Maybe you'll just endure the misery 'til it's time to graduate. Or even learn to like it. Or maybe you'll reconcile yourself to your new image, and embrace a new identity as a slut-for-real. "If you have to wear the shoe, make it fit," as someone once said. Or maybe you'll discover you like studying math, it being a more wholesome and less drama-filled way to spend the night than getting jizzed into day and night, and will end up as an honor student with real prospects.

Whichever way you go, this is


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