Decide to keep the baby
From Create Your Own Story
The two of you decide to keep the baby and have to tell your parents what has happened. Since Karen got pregnant in September right before senior year she was able to finish high school, but just barely. Morning sickness, heartburn, and carrying around 25 extra pounds made it no easy task.
During the pregnancy you tried to help her as best you could but all she tells you is that you don’t understand what she is going through and it creates frustration and resentment between the two of you. By the time the baby is born you two are rarely talking. You thought you would be together forever and that the baby would only bring you closer, but in the end it does just the opposite. Karen is completely stressed out with the new baby and doesn't see all the effort you have been trying to put in. All she sees is that you got to keep doing things normal seniors do and that you are going to college in the fall. Even though you gave up a scholarship at your dream school to go to the local community college so that you could work and be close to the two of them. In the end you and Karen aren't able to work it out and you end up having to go to court so you can get visitation rights to see your son.
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