Stop kissing Karen

From Create Your Own Story

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You stop completely and don’t have sex at all because you feel that this isn’t right. You think that maybe another time would best fit the occasion.

Karen says, "I'm sorry, I stopped because I was worried you might not want to use a condom." You say, "It's okay, that's why I stopped too, I realized I didn't bring any."

Great decision, it turns out it is a myth that a girl cannot get pregnant during her period. To you it is more important to be safe, rather than risk getting pregnant or an STI. Condoms work great if you use them every single time, but in most typical teenage couples who are only using condoms 14% of them get pregnant in the first year.

If you want to be even more careful, in many states like Illinois you don’t need a parent’s permission to go to a clinic or doctor to get a prescription for birth control. You can talk to your girlfriend about getting birth control. Many community clinics and planned parenthood offer birth control at a reduced price. With the many different kinds of birth control available there is something for everyone's preferences, and if she tries one and it doesn’t work for her, you should be supportive and encourage her not to give up and to try another!

For more information on different kinds of birth control:

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