Try to keep going

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You ignore why Karen seems bothered and keep kissing her. Eventually, Karen seems like there was nothing she wants to tell you, so you don't worry about it. You think to yourself, that you don't have condoms, but you figure you were just going to pull out anyways so it doesn't matter. You heard you friends mention it, and you think you can pull out before you cum.

You have sex, but caught up in the excitement, you forget to pull out in time. Now you both are worrying about the risk of getting pregnant. A couple weeks later Karen starts her period which means she isn’t pregnant. You guys were lucky this time. You continue to have sex, and you wonder about whether or not you should use condoms. Since you used it the last time, and everything was okay, you think it might keep working out. You also know that both you and Karen were pretty scared, but relieved when you found out she wasn’t pregnant. Do you...

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