Get yourself tested for STIs
From Create Your Own Story
Since you had might have had unprotected sex with Brittany it is a good idea to get your self tested for a sexually transmitted infection or disease(STI/STD) STI and STD refer to the same thing It turns out that you are positive for gonorrhea. Luckily you caught it early and can treat it easily, most people actually don't experience any symptoms and then pass it on to anyone they have sex with if they don't use a condom. The doctor tells you that you need to tell your partners because if he treats you it is likely you will give it to your partner and get infected again if they aren't treated. He also tells you to always wear a condom even if your girlfriend is on birth control because it is the only thing besides abstinence that prevents STIs. The treatment for gonorrhea is the easy part now you have to think about how you will tell Brittany and Ashley.
For more STD testing FAQs and advice on how to tell your partner:
Also most STD cases in teens are caused by unprotected/unplanned sex while intoxicated. For more information visit:
It turns out a lot of people are infected with STDs the only way to protect yourself if you are having sex is with a condom.
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