Ashley Jones

From Create Your Own Story

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Later that night you go to your best friend Marley’s house and you tell her about the fight.

Ashley: Brandon and I had another fight.

Marley: What was it about this time?

Ashley: He wanted to go hang with Brittany instead of going to the movies with me.

Marley: Really? He still hasn’t figured out that Brittany likes him?

Ashley: Nope I tried to tell him but he just won’t listen to me.

Marley: He has to find out for himself, you are his girlfriend he will just think what you are saying is out of jealousy.

Ashley: I feel terrible about the whole argument, but I can’t just stand by and watch him get closer to her so I broke up with him.

Marley: I’m sorry, but just give him some time to figure it out for himself these types of things seem to always turn out okay for you two.

Ashley: Thanks Marley you always know the right things to say to make me feel better.

Marley: Well where is he now?

Ashley: At Brittany’s house party.

Marley: Well then what are we doing just sitting around here, Zach is having some people over tonight and we should definitely go. You know to take your mind off of Brandon. You need to have fun too not just him.

Do you?

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