She decideds against skipping it. It was the right thing to do.

From Create Your Own Story

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The lecture was absolutely a waste of time for Audrey, but she hadn't had the heart to skip it. So there she was sitting somewhere in the middle row while people all around her were busy dozing off. She kept herself awake by talking with the people beside her.

"That guy needs to get a new job." One guy said. "No shit, he could be a hypnotherapist or something. It's already freezing in here and we have to listen to him talk? I think I always come here whenever I need a nap." Said a second guy

"Brrr, yeah, It's practically freezing in here what with the rain and the air-conds on full blast." The first guy replied.

"Hey Audrey, aren't you cold? You're not even wearing long-sleeves."

"Hm? Oh, me? Nah, I don't get cold that easily." She said simply.

"Whoa, seriously? that's incredible!" The first guy placed his hand on hers. His hand felt as cold as a popsicle. But hers felt very warm. "Wow, she is warm! Even in here!" exclaimed the first guy. The second guy then whispers something into his ear. The first guy smiles and nods and they exchange more whispers. They continued discussing something without her and Audrey went back to trying to pay attention to the lecture. But every so often-when Audrey didn't notice-they'd sneaked glances at her chest, talking about how firm they were or what they'd do to them...

The rest of the day goes by...

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