Brandon and Ashley

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Ashley: Hey do you want to go to see the new Sylvester Stallone movie Saturday?

Brandon: Sorry babe I already made plans to hang out with Brittany, but you can...

Ashley: Of course you have!

Brandon: What is that supposed to mean?

Ashley: You are always with her you never want to hang around me! You are probably seeing her behind my back!

Brandon: Ashley nobody is seeing anybody Brittany and I are just friends nothing more I was going to ask you if you wanted to come along, but you cut me off before I could even finish.

Ashley: Friends? Yeah right! All I know is that I’m not going to sit around and wait to hear that you and Brittany were doing something behind my back. She is one sneaky girl, I know she likes you and is going to try something.

Brandon: Why don’t you trust me? I have never cheated before so why are you so suspicious, why can’t you believe me when I say we are just friends she doesn’t like me that way.

Ashley: Why don’t you believe me! I know she likes you. It’s obvious, everyone else sees it why can’t you?! Look if you don’t want to believe me it’s fine the truth will come out sooner or later but i don’t want to stick around for it. I don’t wait for someone to hurt me. I know when it’s time to leave.

Brandon: Fine if that’s the way you want it then so be it.

Are you....

Ashley Jones or Brandon Robinson

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