Escape now and try to get home

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:01, 12 June 2012 by Apocalypstic (Talk | contribs)

What home? You're an orphan remember. Oh well, you can always just go back to lurking around your usual alleys and meet your friends, if you can call them that. You turn around to leave and begin to walk down the stairs. As you step off the final step, you get a feeling. You fall down to the ground, just in time as 3 sharp spinning things land near you. You turn your head to find some girl dressed like a ninja leaping on you. You punch her right in the jaw just as she lands, causing her to fall over. You mount and restrain her to deter further assault.

"Ouch. That fucking hurt, you bastard," she screams at you.

"Well, that's what you get for attacking me," you reply, as pissed as you have ever been. Who the hell throws ninja stars at a stranger?!

"I was instructed not to let you leave the house if you tried to split... just like you were about to."

"And you planned to prevent me from leaving by killing me!? Are you retarded?!" Talking to her is just pissing you off.

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