Have both of your friends charge from both sides while you attack from above

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:21, 29 April 2012 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

Alright, "Mitchell, I want you to charge the left side, and try to hold down the girl." "Peter, I want you to charge from the right, and hold down that one guy, okay?" "Okay" Mitchell and Peter respond. The 3 move out, and try to catch the two unsuspecting teens taking shelter behind the tall rocks. You decide that it is smart to try to get an aerial attack, so you find a tree conveniently located near their location and climb up it, reluctantly however, you must set down your bat.

You climb up the tree, and recognize the two as Conner Purcell and Sarah Wesley, you feel a slight sense of remorse as you knew the two, but you then retracted those feelings, as your instinct of self preservation kicked in. Your friends then rush in, ambushing the two. You watch as Mitchell and Peter assault them. Conner however is surprisingly quick and manages to avoid Peter's swing. He dives for Peter's legs and sweeps him off his feet, with Peter now on his back. Conner begins to stomp on Peter. You can't stand back and watch as your friend gets hurt. You leap out of the tree, and miraculously land on Conner. The fall resulted in him smashing his head onto a jagged rock, fracturing his skull, and killing him instantly.

You then help Peter up and focus your attention to Mitchell and Sarah. You rush over, and see that the Sarah manages to scratch Mitchell in the eyes, and then whips out her H&K USP, holding Mitchell at gunpoint. The bat is still on the floor where you left it, what do you do?

Character: Danny Lei
Alive: 49 Students
Hours Remaining: 70
Weapons Aquired: None (Baseball Bat on the floor)
Friends: Mitchell Small, Peter Earl
Kills: Conner Purcell

(Joey)--Cerebus 05:56, 29 April 2012 (UTC)

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