A bit fruity, but better than getting ass-kicked

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Andrew shoots you one of those grins as you sit down. "'Or I'll kill you,'" he says, mimicking the way you glared at the crowd. "You're just begging for humiliation at this point."

"Whatever," you respond, seriously rethinking sitting next to him. The last thing you want is a lecture.

"Whatever, huh? Well, there are two types of people on this bus. Those," he waves his hand around to indicate the people that laughed at you, "who take your threats as an invitation to give you more shit and then the small minority that actually take you seriously. You might be surprised, but I find myself in the latter category." You glance over at him for a second. Like all jocks, Andrew has obviously focused his time on training, achieving both the imposing structure and air of confidence that seems to come with that lifestyle. Consequently, your first thoughts conclude that he is mocking you, not that it comes as a surprise from the daily jibes aimed at you. Still, as someone who has experienced a fair share of mockery, thise strikes you as a rather strange way to go about it. "Listen loner, I've been watching you for awhile. Maybe its an act. Maybe you really plan to stuff some body bags. Either way, your troubles aren't gonna end anytime soon, but I think I've got a solution."

You cut him off with a snarl. "Fuck off homo. I'm no one's bitch."

The bus pulls up to the school as Andrew shakes his head with a chuckle. "You've got a lot of bark, and your bite will ruin your life more than those you finally decide to hurt. What's worse is that you think you've got me all figured out and won't even consider that I might have a third option. Well," the bus stops and you get up to leave, "my offer stands if you ever decide to listen." You walk off the bus and head to your first period. Andrew's probably busting out of the closet and looking for some ass, offering some sort of protection to get some. Still, an uncomfortable feeling remains in the back of your mind, a kind of nagging curiousity. What exactly is his stupid proposition? Why would he even think you'd be interested? As lunch rolls around, you know Andrew will be hanging out in the weight room. If you were going to hear him out, this would be the chance.

Do you:

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

iPod, backpack with lunch

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Loner
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