
From Create Your Own Story

You wait patiently for the current occupant of the confessional to leave, and when they do, you slip into the unoccupied space and take your place kneeling. You can make out Father Durham's shape on the other side of the grating, and he seems to be surprised at your presence.

"I'm sorry, my child, I didn't realize that anyone else was in the church," he says.

"Yes, Father, I wish to confess my sins," you say.

"Go ahead, my child."

You pause for dramatic effect and then continue, "Father, I'm afraid I've been plagued with . . . unclean thoughts. I try to ignore them, to fight them off, but I find it hard to do so. I'm afraid I will act on them."

"What is it that the Devil has been tempting you with?" he asks.

You smirk a little at that, and answer, "It's . . . men, Father. I'm tempted by them as other men are tempted by women. I know it is sinful, but I can't help but think about how much I desire to touch them, kiss them, sleep with them." You make anther pregnant pause, "I want to touch their hardness and feel what it is like to make them cum; I want to mix my being with theirs, to pierce their body with my own, even though I know it is not God's will." Rather lewd, but you think he's got the picture.

When you finish, Father Durham remains silent for many moments. You can hear him breathing heavily on the other side of the grating.

"My child, this is very wrong of you, and you must do your best to banish these feelings and repent of them!" His voice is shaking slightly, half in arousal and half in anxiousness.

"Father, . . .

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