An Embarrassing Adventure/teen house-tattle

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You point directly at the teenagers behind the couch and quickly communicate to him that they were gallavanting out in the woods naked, and that it was primarily the shorter girl's idea.

"WHAT?!" he roars. Immediately the boy runs out the back door, but the father manages to catch up with both of the girls and drags them into the living room. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING WITH MY DAUGHTER?" he yells in the shorter girl's face, who is (for once) completely shaken and not pleased with herself.

He pulls the short girl over his lap as she struggles wildly, saying "You can't hit me! Call my parents and they'll pick me up!"

"OH I'M GONNA HIT YOU," he replies, "FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO MY DAUGHTER." With that, he uses one hand to hold her down and the other to mercilessly spank her. Her complaints quickly turn into indecipherable screams and sobbing, and the tall girl can bring herself to do nothing but cry on the floor.

He continues to yell things like "I DON'T CARE IF YOUR PARENTS GET MAD AT ME; I DON'T PLAN ON EVER SEEING THEM OR YOU AGAIN!" and "MAYBE THIS WILL TEACH YOU TO BE A GODDAMN PERVERT!" while beating her, and makes it known that the tall girl will have her turn on his lap. Meanwhile, the shorter girl's bottom only gets redder and redder.

Well, you would ask him for the phone, but from this reaction he won't be pleased to find out that you are bottomless on his lawn.


Those poor girls. It must be so humiliating...


An oversized shirt.

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