An Embarrassing Adventure/non-toweled woman-no

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"I-I, no, I'm... I'm sorry!" you stutter, dashing out the door.

Behind you, the woman calls out "Hey!" and is likely right behind you. Not wanting to face her again, you rush through the maze of hallways looking for the way back to the locker room. You can come back tomorrow, or the next day, or in five years when the chance of running into her again is next to nothing.

You cannot be sure if she is still following you, but thankfully you find the door and walk through it to find... are outside. Before this fact can fully sink in, the door closes behind you, with no handle or knob on this side of it. You are standing maybe ten feet from the sidewalk in front of the spa, with the front door far into the distance, completely naked except for a towel.

It looks like this is the beginning of an embarrassing adventure.




An embroidered towel.

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