An Embarrassing Adventure/toweled man

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You meekly poke your head into the room and get the man's attention. "Hey, can we share?" you ask. He responds with a wide grin, "Yeah! Sure, come on in!" With bright eyes, he gesture to the spot beside him on the bench. You do sit on his bench, though much further down than he suggested.

You immediately cross your legs, and ease yourself back against the bench behind you. The two of you sit in silence for some time, but obviously he cannot contain himself, and asks, "So, your first time in a sauna?" You smile weakly and nod, placating him without trying to encourage him. "It really isn't the full experience with a towel. Feeling the steam on your bare skin is the best." Yeah, he went there. Against your better judgment, you note a logical inconsistency, "Then why are you wearing a towel?" Immediately, he throws his towel across the room. It seems that was precisely the reply he was waiting for. From the looks of things, it was also the reply his penis was waiting for. You recoil as your face becomes even warmer than it already is, blushing at the sight. He moves a step closer to you, and you stand up and take a step back. "Come on, babe," he pleads, "Don't be like that." You see a hunger in his eyes that sends warning bells off in your head, so you flee into halls.

You can hear his footsteps behind you as you dash through the maze of hallways. Soon, due to a pronounced system of echoes, you hear the footsteps coming from every direction, and you have no choice but to flee blindly. Mercifully, you find a door and run through it to find... are outside. Before this fact can fully sink in, the door closes behind you, with no handle or knob on this side of it. You are standing maybe ten feet from the sidewalk in front of the spa, with the front door far into the distance, completely naked except for a towel.

It looks like this is the beginning of an embarrassing adventure.




An embroidered towel.

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