101: Land Houses

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:01, 30 January 2012 by Theotherguy (Talk | contribs)

You slowly descend towards the town, praying some other paratroopers have tried to get there. Finding yourself about to land in the town, wedged between the far to the east of the lake and next to the town, you sigh and look around for anything to occupy your time. You check your gear, everything is perfectly fine. Your adrenaline is pumping from the sudden action in the plane and time is going slow, only a minute has passed. You look at the sky, you see plenty of paratroops above you and some are landing near the town, though none on it. Several planes are flying and two of them are on fire, yours is spinning out of control and you see it tear through the forest to your west until it finally comes to a stop, fire catching on some of the trees.

You realize that time is passing and look down, you are getting close to the houses. There are about ten of them, one of them is most likely owned by some sort of mayor, the largest one, and sits on a hill to the east. There are nine other houses in front of it, down a cobbled road that leads from its gates. There is a small town square that they are surrounding. It seems completely insignificant and like there is little reason for it to even exist, though you do see Swastika's hanging from the mayors home and you are not sure if he is actually aligned with them or if a German officer lives here or what. Suddenly, you feel a tug and the wind blows you west, you realize your landing zone is suddenly changed from the center of the square to the roof of a two story building and you let out a curse as you hit the side of the building.

You slide down the slanted roof, your speed picking up and you begin spinning. The tiles and shingles of the roof falling off with you and smashing and shattering against the ground. You realize you are shouting as you fall off the side, your body horribly tangled in the parachute and you are unable to move. You fly towards the ground until you are about seven feet, then suddenly stop. You briefly pray to every single deity you can think of and wonder why you are not dead yet when you realize your parachute must of snagged on the chimney. A smile widens on your face and you let out a sigh of relief. You stare at the ground and your helmet and rifle which had fallen off in your fall.

Then you drop a foot, your eyes widening as you hear the tearing noise of your parachute. You scream again when it is torn loose and you fall towards the ground, unable to protect your face due to the cap that is the cords you turn your head to the side to shield it. You smash against the ground, not making another move with all of the gear weighing you down and sit there for a minute. The cords have gone loose now that the parachute is torn in half and you slowly wiggle your way out of them.

Finally getting out, you attempt to grab your helm with your left arm and quickly gasp as you feel a jolt of pain. "It is dislocated" you think to yourself as you look around. You sigh and grab it with your right hand and drop it on your head. You then grab your rifle with your right as well and try your best to sling it on your shoulder. You look around the square, you probably do not have much time if there are any Germans inside of the manor, but you will need to do something about your arm. You do not have any medical supplies and all of the doors are shut with none of the lights besides one in the manor. You sigh, thinking of what to do.

Arm dislocated! -15 Health

Exhausted! -15 MP

Health 85 Equipment:

Parachute, Carbine M1-A1 (70), Grenade (3), Trench Knife, Helmet.

MP 105
Level 0
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