Turn Dexter back into a man

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 10:39, 13 January 2012 by SeraphNova (Talk | contribs)

You look around one more time, the fear of something unknown to you gives you a small chill but the beauty and mystery of this place has caught your interest.

You decide to turn Dexter back into a man. "Maybe he knows about this place?" you thought. You try to recall the incantation for reverting him back to a human...

"Uhh...?" You scratch your head as you realize you forgot... You sit down and ponder as you try to recall.

Your head travels back to the time when your Master was teaching you this spell you lost memory of..

"It's easy to transform something to a beast but transforming it back to a man is difficult. You need to make it calm or the spell will fail."

That's the only thing you recall at this moment.. With disappointed eyes you look at the Pony in front of you. His eyes have that emotional look you cannot describe, "Scared and happy?" you wonder. You snap back from your thoughts as you suddenly feel a small bite on your foot. You take a look and see a small bug shining with different colors. Your normal reaction would be to smash this insect to death but you welcome the pain as you stare on this beautiful mysterious insect. You suddenly get dizzy and fall to the floor..

As you pass out you see a figure running toward you..

You wake up inside a cave and with your head hurting you try to stand up but you fall flat on your face. The mysterious woman comes to help you back the bed. "Where am I? you ask. "You should rest some more! I will tell you more about this place as soon as you get better. You've been poisoned by that bug and the antidote is still brewing. You will need to take another dose to complete the detoxification." the woman replies.

You suddenly remember about the Pony who brought you here, you try to look around but your weak body does not let you. Your head starts to spin, suddenly your vision blurs and you pass out..

You wake up in a place you vaguely remember, you hear the sound of children playing in a distance. You start to recall this was the Magic Academy where you trained you see two paths in front of you. One is a dark hall with warm air coming out while the other one is a bright hallway with sky blue light with a cold breeze coming out.

Which path do you take?

Take the dark path

Take the bright path

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