Ongoing Story\Beg them to stop

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Chapter 16: Bitches in heat

Your pleas for them to stop, only fall on deaf ears. The Amazons continue to rape you, seemingly not caring whether they are hurting you or not. Fortunately the pain beings to subside. Your pussy which was throbbing a moment ago is now so well lubricated that fingers and even hands slide in and out without too much pain.

Giving in to your predicament you allow the sex starved Amazon lesbians to touch and grope your body. You even relax your mouth, opening up for them to French kiss you. There is no point in resisting as it would only bring you more suffering.

You close your eyes and try to imagine that it is Rock Hardy doing all these things to you. It’s Rock’s huge cock that is forcing its way in and out of your vagina. It is Rock, ramming his cock in and out of your ass. It is Rock’s tongue sucking ferociously on one of your nipples and his hand squeezing hard on the other.

The touching and groping seems to go on forever as Amazon after Amazon come to take their turn at you. The pain is now starting to return due to the constant activity. Being a virgin, you have never experienced anything like this. Even your masturbation sessions never got this intense. The continuous rubbing against your clit, the pushing against the walls of your ass, are all getting too much. Your mouth is dry from a lack of saliva and your breasts feel bruised and achy. Your wrists and ankles are in great pain, and bleeding from rope burns.

It must have been an hour since were tied up. How much more can you take?

Finally though, the Amazon women start to drift away. The queue of lustful lesbians finally dwindles down to nothing as each takes their turn. Finally only one Amazon is left. After eating your pussy she takes a knife and cuts you down from the posts. You fall to the ground exhausted and aching! But at least you are now no longer tied up.

You are to exhausted to even try and escape. You fall asleep where you lie. You are asleep for an hour before you are rudely awaken. What happens now?

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