Ongoing Story\Avoid physical contact with Johanna
From Create Your Own Story
Chapter 12: Rejecting Johanna
“Johanna!” You say, “This is ridiculous! My gosh, what has gotten into you? You know I’m not like that! I didn’t think you were like that either!”
“Come on!” It’s just the two of us. Nobody will know. Haven’t you ever wondered what it’s like to make love to another woman?”
“I prefer men!” You say, “Like Rock back there at camp.”
“He’s an adult! You’re 13! Besides, I know I’m a better lover than him.”
“How do you know? You don’t even have a cock!”
“Wouldn’t you rather have my tongue up your pussy?”
“No! Of course not!” You quickly climb out of the water feeling very uncomfortable indeed. You are about to step towards your clothes to put them back on when......
What happens now?