Pokemon: Reach Lake Verity without any more problems

From Create Your Own Story

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We were able to reach Lake Verity without any more problems. We unpacked our stuff and got a nice fire going. After letting our Pokemon out, we cooked up a little breakfast. We had a little generic Pokemon food, but we really needed to find some special recipes for our individual Pokemon.

"So how do you like our first day out?" I asked Jasmine, as we lounged on a fallen log. Piplup was swimming around in the Lake, while the Starly chattered about and Turtwig snoozed at my feet.

"So far, so good. Though we haven't really had much of an adventure yet. I mean, all we've seen so far is a Starly attack."

"You think that was nothing? I thought it was awesome!"

"Maybe, but if we want to make it to Sandgem Town before dark."

"Alright, let's go guys!" I recalled Turtwig and my Starly, while Jasmine did the same with Piplup and her Starly. After packing up our supplies, we started walking towards Route 201, when I thought I heard something.

Pokemon: It's nothing, let's go

Pokemon: Wow, Mespirit!

Health Both are Healthy Pokémon:

Turtwig and Starly

Level 1-10 each
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