Ongoing Story\Drop the gun

From Create Your Own Story

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Chapter 15: Perhaps a small chance of freedom

You glance around the room, looking for some sort of way to get out of this. You see Nina's head poking out of the door, with a kitchen knife in her hand. She's oriented in such a way that you can see her, but your father can't. She nods at you.

You drop the gun, and as you do Nina slides the knife (handle first) in the direction of Rob's hand. The clattering of the gun on the floor masks the noise of the knife sliding, and your father doesn't seem to notice the knife.

"Now come over here," your father says. You start to, but you've barely moved five steps when Rob starts moaning under his gag.

Your father starts to walk over to see what Rob is up to, dragging Lisa along with him. As he passes you, he kicks you firmly in the gut, and you double over in pain, nearly throwing up again.

Your father then passes the gun, and realizes that he'd be vulnerable to Lisa if he bends to pick it up, so he just kicks it into the pool. Lisa takes the chance to elbow him, but he ignores it and says, "Don't try anything, or you're dead."

When he finally reaches Rob, he shouts, "What the hell are you moaning about!" while keeping the knife close to Lisa's throat.

What do you do now?

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