Make a deal, Timmy’s cock for Jessie’s pussy.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:25, 28 November 2011 by Alberich (Talk | contribs)

Just as she is about to hit the wall you whisper into her ear, seeing her eyes tightly closed on the edge of a powerful climax, “You thinking about him right now.., aren’t slut. Thinking about him sucking your tits…, his hard cock poking against you,” That is the last word out of your mouth before Stacy finally falls off the cliff, into the throes of cumming.

Stacy thrashes about within your grip, grabbing your hand and crushing it into her breast and squeezing the other one between her legs as her pussy convulses against your fingers as she moans loudly. “Oh God yes.., that’s it! Ahh Timmy..,” she cries out pushed deeper into her climax by you words, leaving you to imagine what your wife is doing to your youngest son in her mind.

“Well you can have him baby.., you can do whatever you want with him,” You start just as she is starting come down from her orgasm. “But I get Jessie’s pussy in return.”

Stacy’s body freezes for a moment before pulling out of your grasp to turn around and face you. “YOU want to fuck our daughter.., you want Jessie’s pussy?” She asks her eyes wide with shock at your suggestion.

“Not as much as you want to fuck our son..,” Stacy jumps towards you and rams her lips onto yours, catching you off guard as she drives her tongue deep into your mouth as she shoves her hands into your jeans to grab your cock.

Finally your wife pulls away, letting you both come up for some much needed air, her large breasts heaving as she catches her breath. “Fine..,” Stacy say with a fiery lust in her eyes. “Tomorrow is open season on the twins, but right now you need to take me up stair and fuck me like a whore.” She says leading you up stairs by the cock and before long the two of you are naked, fucking like rabbits on the bed the twins where conceived on.

Eventually you both pass out being woken up by the alarm clock. You glance over at the clock, reading 6:30 and then back over to Stacy who is also awake. The two you pass a knowing smile to each other. “Open season?” You ask her, earning a husky moan with a nod as she wraps her arms around you neck and leans in to give you a passionate good morning kiss.

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