Grin wickedly, and decide you WANT to have babies with your brother.

From Create Your Own Story

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Your heart slows down, a calm comes over you, and you make the most radical decision of your whole life. Your skinny, nerdy brother Bobby is actually your dream man. You want to take him away from all this, and let your woman's body do all it's meant to do. Whether or not you're pregnant now, you want to be, and you don't want to waste another day looking for another man to do it. Bobby's your boy. Your get wet just thinking about it. You can barely wait 'til the midafternoon, when school's out and Bobby comes straight home. You call three times before he nervously answers - and your voice is seductive and low.

"Hey, sugar," you say - "I've got some news for you. I'm your girlfriend from now on. That means no jacking off - you save it all for me. And you're coming to my apartment tonight. You need help with your homework."

The 'rents don't see anything wrong with brother and sister spending more time together. Not three hours later, you're kissing deeply in your front seat, and an hour after that, you're naked in your bed. Knowing what you want now, you don't hold back at all, but you show him how you like your nipples nipped and your navel tongued, and when you're so wet you think you'll soak the bed, you get him on top and yell with delight as he heaves into you again and again. He's so eager to please.

For the next few weeks, you're like any pair of new lovers - all over each other whenever you can. Every night, he's at your apartment getting "help with his homework." You tell your parents their home's on your way to work, so you might as well take him to school in the mornings. Which you do, touching each other as you drive, and if you're early enough, pulling over to a convenient parking lot for a handjob or a quick suck. Sometimes even that's not enough, and you swing by his school during lunch hour, so he can slip out into your back seat, and you can drive to the nearby woods, where you can neck for a half hour then drop your pants and bend over for a quickie. But the nights at your apartment are the best, and he fucks you every way there is.

And you miss your next two periods, telling you the constant infusions of Bobby's sperm have had the desired effect.

With a little help from an online service, you find a job in a distant state. You lie to your parents, saying you've found one for Bobby as well, and they're happy to have him go with you - in fact, they're glad the kid's going to work anywhere at all. Without bothering with a license, you take up housekeeping together and settle in as common-law husband and wife. Two pretty children, a boy and a girl, follow in rapid years.

You know they'll hit puberty later on, and you're going to have decisions to make - will you let them experiment, as you did, even with each other? Or put a lid on that kind of thing, as your parents tried to do? So many decisions - but they are beyond this story. Year after year you work, live your life, love your kids, and fuck your brother.


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