Pokemon: Let's go Kakuna

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:41, 24 November 2011 by Leech101 (Talk | contribs)
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Kakuna used bug bite and Geodude used Rock Throw, but, it missed. Kakuna used bug bite and Geodude used defense curl. Kakuna kept on using Bug bite till Geodude fainted, but, then Brock sent out Onix!

You keep fighting with Kakuna, using bug bite, but, Onix uses Rage which Knocks Kakuna out cold.

Time to send out Pikachu. Pikachu uses a Thunderbolt, but, it doesn't seem to do much Onix uses another Rage and it Knocks Pikachu out.

"Nice try." Brock said.

You rush to the Pokemon centre and heal your Pokemon. You all want a rematch.

Now what?

Pokemon: Go to Pewter Gym

Pokemon: Train your Pokemon to fight Brock

Health Full Health Pokémon:


Level 6

Health Full Health Pokémon:


Level 8

Health Full Health Pokémon:


Level 5
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