WIO/Kara/s/neighbor drives you

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< WIO/Kara
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What the hey, you decide and hop in to his car. He grins, and puts the car into gear. After leaving your street, you expect him to pull over into the back alley, but he keeps driving. Oh well, you think, if he is serious about payment he can let you know. If he is not serious, no point offering it up, in case he forgot. You stare straight ahead.

He clears his throat after a few minutes, and when you look over, he tilts his head, drawing your eyes to his crotch. "Better start now if you want to get to school on time."

Well Kara, you think, you accepted this ride...

You lean across the front seat and undo his fly. His erection springs out, ready to go, and you put your hand around it. Taking a deep breath, you just give it your all. Mr. Cummings moans appreciatively, and continues to drive. You wonder for a second what will happen when he comes. You continue though, and he gets closer, maintaining control all the time. You reach for your bag to grab a tissue, but remember that you used the last one. You continue sucking like a pro, and when he climaxes you swallow it all.

Mr. Cummings sighs contentedly as you sit up, and wipe your mouth. "Magnificent..." he says and continues to drive, grinning from ear to ear.

As he pulls up in front of the school, you grab your things, and start to unbuckle. "Thanks for the ride," you say.

He reaches across to keep you from opening the door just yet, and says with a little smile, "Thank you! That was one hell of a way to start the day." He pauses a sec, trying to decide if he should continue. "If uh... if you ever want to make some money..." he awkwardly stares at you, stares at your tits, then your lips, then meets your gaze. You decide to turn things around a bit, and before he can continue you say, "Actually, I want $20 for that magnificent bit of road-head."

Mr. Cummings appraised you for a second, then reaches for his money clip and peels off a twenty dollar bill. You have never pictured yourself as that kind of girl, but as you reach for that bill you consider how surprisingly easy it was. Maybe this has some potential...

You walk into the school, and hear him call out to you that he hopes to see you again soon. You smirk, and strut confidently inside.

Making your way to your first class, you realize you forgot your notes at home. Thankfully, you sit beside a brainiac who has a crush on you. "Hey Stu," you say, as you sit in your desk. You lean over, making sure he can see your bra.

He gulps, and greets you back. You explain that you really need to copy his notes, and you ask if he can help you out. He seems to hesitate, and when you ask if there is a problem, he leans over and says, "You're taking advantage of me. I think you either need to pay to copy my notes, or do your school work yourself for once."

You can start doing your work, but you aren't going to face the music right now and turn your empty notebook into the teacher. Do you:

Day 1 Inventory:

Phone, wallet.

Time 7:55
Money $55
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