R: "What am I doing here?"

From Create Your Own Story

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"Good question!" You here a bit of movement on his side of the walkie talkie. He shortly returns, "I even prepared a little speech for this question, so please sit tight and listen."

"What!?" Just as you are about to curse at the voice, he interrupts you. You can tell that the voice is reading since his voice seems more monotonal than usual.

"That is a very nice question indeed. The question you should be asking is, how are you going to get out of the room?"

You hadn't thought about escaping since the voice began talking.

"Now, I know you're thinking, how can I possible get out when I'm locked inside the room? Well, you can't, that's the thing you see, I am going to watch you slowly die in that room you are trapped in, and you even know who you are. You're actually the first person i'm trialling this on, so I don't know what you might do-"

You become enraged and scream into the device.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"


"You crazy son of a-"


Everything goes silent. You hear him calming down though, after a few seconds he continues.

"Okay... As I was saying, You're actually the first person i'm trialling this on, so I don't know what you might do in that room. I have also trapped two other people in seperate rooms, they woke up before you. Now, what am I going to do with you? Well, nothing really, except, one of you can go. Yes, that's right, one of you three can go, and guess what? You decide who can go."

You begin to smile, then you realise there must be a catch.

"One thing though, those two other people, I think they know you. So if you do decide to pick yourself, just remember that those two people are going to be left in those rooms."

The voice then sighs a breath of relief.

"Okay," The voice says with joy, "You may ask questions."

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