From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:06, 20 March 2007 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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You press the Call Nurse button and very quickly a middle-aged pleasant man comes in.

"Well! I see someone is up!" A wave of panic comes over you and you can feel your chest tighten. The doctor observes you and sits down in the chair next to the bed. "Now, I am going to ask you a few questions, okay?" He asks you your name, date of birth, address and what happened.

"I can't remember." You start to breath more heavily and you feel tears coming on but you hold them back. This is just a reminder of how bad things were for you.

"Is that so? You can't remember anything, at all?"

You look up and clear your throat. "No. Nothing."

The doctor seems to be evaluating your response. "Well, you seem to be in pretty bad shape. I am going to get the nurse and we are going to get some CAT scans, if you don't mind."

You wave your hand in agreement and lay back as the doctor pulls the curtain and exits. You hear the doctor's voice from behind the curtain, only the tone is different. You sit up and try to hear what he is saying. He is talking with someone else. Another doctor? A nurse? You struggle and can only pick up pieces of the conversation.

"Well, he says he can't remember anything."

"We aren't sure right now."

"The CAT scans will take a few hours to get going."

"We will cooperate to the fullest extent."

Your heart is racing and you feel flushed. The clipboard is still sitting on the chair. You grab it and try to read as you are listening. The doctor is definitely talking to the police or some authority figure. What did you do wrong? Who are you? You begin to wonder if you should stay here. You notice the bottom note has some scribble on it but you can make out the words, police and suspect. You get to your feet and the dizziness is gone. You might be able to leave without notice.

Do you:

Health 100 Equipment:

Nothing more than your clothes

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Level 1
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