Try to dump your friend's body

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:04, 29 July 2011 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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You put your normal clothes back on and get all of your stuff together. You wait quietly until about 3:00am to minimize the chances of someone spotting you, then you drag the body out to your car. You struggle with the limp body, literally dead weight, but manage to push her into the back seat.

You drive out onto the interstate and pull well off the road at an emergency pull over point. With the headlights off, you get out of the car and begin to pull the body out of the car. Just as you get her through a gap in the guardrail and roll her down a small slope, a car turns off the highway and shines its headlights on you. It's a highway patrolman and he pull in front of your vehicle.

"I was just about to set up a speed trap, but I couldn't help notice you tossing something in the woods. We have littering laws here." He shines his flashlight down the hill and spots Yulia's corpse. Needless to say he arrests you with no further questions.

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