Magic Keyboard-Try punching the wall.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:30, 15 June 2011 by Frogman10 (Talk | contribs)
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Ok, this isn't going to stand!! Your not going down like this!!Your not some scared little kid. Your a man baby!! You run away from that unfunny "Austin Powers" reference and toward one of the walls, full speed. You even scream your version of a battle cry as you do a sprint, then your reach your arm back. You do that visualizing stuff that the athletes use, and imagine the wall crumbling into pieces. Yes, it will crumble, dust will be everywhere, and a camera will shoot you in an awesome upward angle that will make you look like a total badass! That's right you reach your fist back, your brain gathers your muscles into attacking position, like a sling shot your fist flies forward and- HOLY SLIP AND SLIDE THAT HURT!!!

Oh my God you think you broke your hand! Look at it, it's all useless and limp now! What were you thinking??!! Your nerves just keep hitting that pain button over and over again, avenging their beloved handy. Now your right hand is broken, and your STILL stuck in this friggin room!! You cry for a few hours.


Ah, that's better.Now that you've calmed down, you think some more about your situation.Your still stuck in here, and there's still nothing in here.

Except for that blinking keyboard. You really are curious about it.But then again, should you really be playing with keyboards, no matter how cool they are? Shouldn't all of your efforts go toward trying to get the freakady doo-da-day out of here? But either way, times a wasting. You must either:

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